Studio Marieke Kums
At Architecture in Context we work on spatial designs that reach across all scales: From landscape design to urban plans, from buildings to objects. In doing so contemporary architecture is considered not as a stable order that is abstract and self-contained, but as open-ended design disciplines - a more natural system that welcomes change and outside influences.
The studio is taught in English and German.
Edda Thülig
Telefon +49 511 762 5922
Fax +49 511 762 5924
Email thuelig@arch.uni-hannover.de
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft
Institut für Entwerfen und Gebäudelehre
Abteilung Stadt Raum Gestaltung
Herrenhäuser Straße 8
30419 Hannover